World General Knowledge MCQs for FPSC, SPSC, PPSC KPPSC, NTS ,CSS and All types of tests.
World General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions and answers including MCQs from past papers. Following are the most important and the most repeated World General Knowledge solved MCQS with Answers.
In which year, Afghanistan got declared as a sovereign and fully independent state?
(A) 1919
(B) 1926
(C) 1973
(D) 2004
The answer is: (B) 1926
The Book My Brother was Authored by
(A) Fatima Jinnah
(B) Benazir Bhutto
(C) Sheri Mazari
(D) None of These
The answer is: (A) Fatima Jinnah
Which of the following countries is NOT member of European Union?
(A) U.K
(B) Norway
(C) Ukraine
(D) All of these are part of UE
The answer is: (D) All of these are part of UE
The D-8 is an organization of eight ________ countries.
(A) Western Countries
(B) Developing Countries
(C) Developed Countries
(D) Industrial Countries
The answer is: (B) Developed Countries
According to the scientists, how many galaxies are there in the universe?
(A) 10 million
(B) 100 million
(C) 10 billion
(D) 100 billion
The answer is: (D) 100 billion
Which of the following Organizations has no formal and international Secretariat?
(B) G – 20
(C) G-8
(D) All of these
The answer is: (B)G-8
The headquarter of United Nations Security Council is located in
(A) New York City
(B) Hague
(C) Geneva
(D) Washington
The answer is: (A) New York City
The country and its territories cover the most time zones is
(A) U.K
(B) France
(C) Germany
(D) Greec
The answer is: (B) France
The first European who reached India by Sea was?
(A) Vasco da Gama
(B) Marco Polo
(C) John Cabot
(D) Christopher Columbus
The answer is: (A) Vasco da Gama
The name of bridge in the Turkey that connects Asia with Europe?
(A) Akashi Kaikyo Bridge
(B) Golden Gate Bridge
(C) Royal Gorge Bridge
(D) Bosphorus Bridge
The answer is: (D) Bosphorus Bridge