Pakistan Current Affairs MCQs

TOP Pakistan Current Affairs MCQs

PAKISTAN CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS covers Pakistan latest Current Affairs, Current Government structure and its functions, Current progress and development of Pakistan, Current important issues of Pakistan , etc. These Pakistan Current Affairs MCQs are very important for all type of Government Exams conducted by FPSC,  NTS, KPPSC, PPPSC, SPSC, CSS and other testing agencies and commissions of Pakistan. Pakistan Current Affairs Multiple Choice Questions and answers including MCQs from  past papers. Following are the most important and the most repeated Pakistan Current Affairs solved MCQS with Answers.

Pakistan Current Affairs MCQs


26th amendment to constitution of Pakistan

(A) Takes away the Supreme Court’s suo motu powers
(B) Fixes the tenure of the Chief Justice of Pakistan to three years
(C) Empowers the Prime Minister to appoint the next CJP from among three senior most SC judges.
(D) All of these

The answer is (D) All of these

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