Everyday Science MCQs For FPSC PPSC SPSC KPPSC NTS and All Tests

Everyday Science MCQs for FPSC, SPSC, PPSC KPPSC, NTS ,CSS and All types of tests.

Everyday Science Multiple Choice Questions and answers including MCQs from past papers. Everyday Science MCQs Questions with Answers for CSS MPT Test by FPSC
including solved CSS General Science and Ability Past Papers MCQs.  The most repeated Every Day Science solved MCQS with Answers.

Everyday Science MCQs

Most Important Every Day Science MCQs:

The function of hemoglobin is

(A) Transportation of oxygen
(B) Utilization of energy
(C) Destruction of bacteria
(D) Prevention of anemia

The answer is (A) Transportation of oxygen

In process of sublimation

(A) Slid turns into Liquid
(B) Solid turns into Gas
(C) Liquid turns into Gas
(D) Gas turns into Vapor

The answer is (B) Solid Turns into Gas

What does a Thermostat do?

(A) Switches off Electrical Appliance
(B) Measures Temperature
(C) Rotates Fans
(D) Regulation Temperature

The answer is (D) Regulation Temperature