Every Day Science MCQs for FPSC, SPSC, PPSC KPPSC, NTS ,CSS and All types of tests.
Every Day Science Multiple Choice Questions and answers including MCQs from past papers. Everyday Science MCQs Questions with Answers for CSS MPT Test by FPSC
including solved CSS General Science and Ability Past Papers MCQs. The most repeated Every Day Science solved MCQS with Answers.
Most Important Every Day Science MCQs:
Which planet among the following does not have a natural satellite?
(A) Saturn
(B) Mercury
(C) Neptune
(D) Uranus
The answer is (B) Mercury
What play the most important role in regulating temperature and determining climate on the Earth?
(A) Oceans
(B) Mountains
(C) Deserts
(D) Forests
The answer is (A) Oceans
Who discovered penicillin?
(A) Louis Pasteur
(B) Alexander Fleming
(C) Marie Curie
(D) Robert Koch
The answer is (B) Alexander Fleming
Which disease is caused by deficiency of Iron?
(A) Berberi
(B) Anaemia
(C) Rickets
(D) Scurvy
The answer is (B) Anaemia
Which planet is also known as Winter Planet?
Which planet is also known as Winter Planet?
(A) Mercury
(B) Earth
(C) Jupiter
(D) Uranus
The answer is (D) Uranus
Angstrom is unit of which quantity :
(A) Length
(B) Force
(C) Heat
(D) Resistance
The answer is (A) Length
Which metal is commonly used in making batteries?
(A) Gold
(B) Lead
(C) Zinc
(D) Iron
The answer is (B) Lead
The Central Nervous System is composed of
(A) Brain, Spinal Cord and Nerves
(B) Cerebrum, Thalamus and Hypothalamus
(C) Cerebrum, Pons and Medulla oblongata
(D) Cerebellum, Brain and Nerves
The answer is (A) Brain, Spinal Cord and Nerves
The function of hemoglobin is
(A) Transportation of oxygen
(B) Utilization of energy
(C) Destruction of bacteria
(D) Prevention of anemia
The answer is (A) Transportation of oxygen
The gland which secrete tears is ?
(A) Thyroid
(B) Pituitary
(C) Pancreas
(D) Lachrymal
The answer is (D) Lachrymal