Computer Science MCQs For FPSC PPSC SPSC KPPSC NTS CSS and All Tests

Computer Science MCQs for FPSC, SPSC, PPSC KPPSC, NTS ,CSS and All types of tests.

Computer Science MCQs consists of Basic Computer Concepts MCQs, Computer Abbreviations MCQs, Computer Science Concepts MCQs, Networking MCQs, Database Management System MCQs, Computer Architecture and Design MCQs, Data Structure MCQs, Programming Languages C MCQs, C++ MCQs, JAVA MCQs, etc. These Computer MCQs are very important for all type of Government Exams conducted by FPSC, KPPSC, PPPSC, SPSC, NTS, CSS, and other testing agencies and commissions of Pakistan. Computer Science  Multiple Choice Questions and answers including MCQs from  past papers. Following are the most important and the most repeated Computer Science solved MCQS with Answers.

Computer Science MCQS

Latest Computer Science MCQs:

Big O, big theta and big Omega are:

(A) Wort, average and best case scenario of an algorithm
(B) Asymptotic notations that describe upper bound, both above and below bound and lower bound respectively.
(C) Notation used to compare order of growth.
(D) Set of algorithms with worst, second wort and best complexities respectively.

The answer is (B) Asymptotic notations that describe upper bound, both above and below bound and lower bound respectively.