Computer Science MCQs for FPSC, SPSC, PPSC KPPSC, NTS ,CSS and All types of tests.
Computer Science MCQs consists of Basic Computer Concepts MCQs, Computer Abbreviations MCQs, Computer Science Concepts MCQs, Networking MCQs, Database Management System MCQs, Computer Architecture and Design MCQs, Data Structure MCQs, Programming Languages C MCQs, C++ MCQs, JAVA MCQs, etc. These Computer MCQs are very important for all type of Government Exams conducted by FPSC, KPPSC, PPPSC, SPSC, NTS, CSS, and other testing agencies and commissions of Pakistan. Computer Science Multiple Choice Questions and answers including MCQs from past papers. Following are the most important and the most repeated Computer Science solved MCQS with Answers.
Which of the following terms best describes the absence or weakness in a system that may possibly be exploited?
(A) vulnerability
(B) Threat
(C) Risk
(D) Exposure
The answer is (A) vulnerability
What is one advantage of setting up a DMZ with two firewalls?
(A) You can control where traffic goes in thr three networks
(B) you can do stateful packet filtering
(C) You can do load balancing
(D) improved network performance
The answer is (C) You can do load balancing
A Problem for firewall is that a service that appears________to expose_________that makes it unsafe. A Classic example is PHF, a phone book like service that was available on many website for looking up names and address
(A) Safe, may have a bug
(A) unsafe, may have a bug
(A) Safe, may not have a bug
(A) None of these
The answer is (A) Safe, may have a bug
Which one is correct from below:
(A) MMU stands for memory Management Unit and its Software Program
(B) MMU stands for Microprocessor Management Unit and it Hardware Device
(C) MMU stands for Multi-threading Management Unit and it is a Software Program
(D) MMU Stands for Memory Management Unit and it is hardware device
The answer is (D) MMU Stands for Memory Management Unit and it is hardware device
In a Unix/ Linux, if a command is like chmod 701 game, where chmod is command, 701 are access right number and game is a filename or directory name, so this shows that
(A) Owner has all type of access rights
(B) Group has no any access right
(C) Public has right to execute it
(D) All of these
The answer is (A) Owner has all type of access rights
The n= λ x W is known as little’s formula where λ is equal to:
(A) The average arrival rate for new processes in the queue
(B) The average waiting time in the queue
(C) The average long term queue length
(D) None of these
The answer is (A) The average arrival rate for new processes in the queue
Which one of the following is not a fundamental activity for software processes in software engineering?
(A) Software Verification
(B) Software Validation
(C) Software design and implementation
(D) Software evolution
The answer is (A) Software Verification
MCQs is taken from
What does CPS stands for?
(a) Central Processing System
(b) Continuous Physical System
(c) Cyber Physical System
(d) None of these
The answer is (c) Cyber Physical System
MCQs is taken from
Which one of thee is task of skeleton?
(a) Call appropriate service
(b) Hide implementation detail
(c) hide inter process communication
(d) Provide duplicate service.
The answer is (a) Call appropriate service
The principal of choosing simplest hypothesis which fits the data is called
(A) Occam’s Razor
(B) Murphy’s law
(C) Hypothesis Optimization
(D) None of these
The answer is (A) Occam’s Razor