Important Questions which may be asked in Municipal and Town Officer Interviews

11. What is the Basic unit of Local Government?

  • The basic unit of Local Government is Union Committee.
  • It is because it the lowest in the hierarchy defined by SLGS 2013.

12. What is Sindh Civil Service and Local Government Department?

  • It is located in Tando Jam.
  • It is the department that takes departmental exams for different courses.
  • It conduct Training Sessions for different courses.
  • It conduct the research and Development Functions (R&D).

13. What is MTRI?

  • It is Municipal Training and Institute.
  • Karachi Municipal Traning and Research Center.
  • It is based on Clifton, Karachi.

14. How will you distribute budget/ if you are given 1cr and 90% goes to salaries how will use the remaining.

  • Town and municipal offices also have some other measures to generate revenue. There are certain departments within the towns like advertisement, local taxes, anti enforcement, trade license, state and some others and these departments under certain criteria generate revenue for example advertisement department charges certain fees for billboards being installed in the jurisdiction of a specific town and that fees are to be paid in the form of challan which eventually be deposited in the bank account of town.

15. what first initiative will you take after becoming Town officer?

  • The answer of this question depends on your degree and interest.
  • For example if one has degree in computer science he may answer like that: I will first fix the record keeping issue of our Local Government System. Issue is that record is not being maintained in the Local Government System. UCs do not have digital record keeping system for the birth of children, death of local people, marriage and divorce. It does not have record of population based on gender, age, ethnic group, race, and local settlement. During the CORONA Virus Local government did not have record of people deserving for financial ads. Ads were distributed to all and sundry without making difference between rich and poor and deserving and not-deserving people.