(A) China
(B) Russia
(C) Mongolia
(D) Nepal
The answer is (C) Mongolia
(A) China
(B) Russia
(C) Mongolia
(D) Nepal
The answer is (C) Mongolia
Ringgit is the currency unit of?
(A) Singapore
(B) Philippines
(C) Malaysia
(D) None of these
The answer is (C) Malaysia
(A) Hassan Ali Effendi
(B) Sir Agha Khan
(C) Khalifa Mameeduddin
(D) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
The answer is (A) Hassan Ali Effendi
(A) Oxygen and Silicon
(B) Nitrogen and Silicon
(C) Nitrogen and Silicon
(D) Silicon and Phosphorus
The answer is (A) Oxygen and Silicon
(A) Slid turns into Liquid
(B) Solid turns into Gas
(C) Liquid turns into Gas
(D) Gas turns into Vapor
The answer is (B) Solid Turns into Gas
(B) Pentagon
(C) Cern
(D) Microsoft
The answer is (C) Cern
(A) Indonesia
(B) Maldives
(C) South Africa
(D) Mexico
The answer is (A) Indonesia
(A) Strait of Gibraltar
(B) Strait of Hermuz
(C) Strait of Marmara
(D) Strait of Madagascar
The answer is (A) Strait of Gibraltar
(A) Glaucoma
(B) Tuberculosis
(C) Leprosy
(D) Typhoid
The answer is (C) Leprosy
(A) Isotherm
(B) Isotope
(C) Exoteric
(D) Isolation
The answer is (A) Isotherm